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Teaching-oriented study programs
In Osnabrück, you can study biology within the framework of various teaching-oriented programs. The course of study depends on the type of school you are aiming for. Possible goals are the teaching profession at elementary schools ("Grundschulen"), secondary schools ("Haupt- und Realschulen"), grammar schools ("Gymnasien") and vocational schools ("berufsbildende Schulen").
The polyvalent Dual Major Bachelor's program is special among the teaching-oriented programs: It can also be studied with the goal of entering a profession or can be combined with a research-oriented Master's program.
More information on the courses and research topics of Biology Didactics at the University of Osnabrück can be found on the research group's website.
Please note
This year, the BSc Biology, MSc Biology and MSc Nanosciences degree programmes were reaccredited. The examination regulations and module descriptions valid from WS24/25 are available online and apply to students starting their studies in WS 24/25. Students who started their studies before WS 24/25 continue to study according to their valid examination regulations. Information on any required equivalences will be available here shortly.
The 2-subject Bachelor of Biology and all teacher training programmes have NOT been reaccredited. These programmes will retain their current examination regulations. Information on any required equivalences can be found here shortly.
Teaching at elementary schools (Lehramt an Grundschulen)
For the teaching profession at elementary schools ("Grundschulen"), you first study the 6-semester Bachelor's program "Bildung, Erziehung und Unterricht" and then the 4-semester Master's program "Lehramt an Grundschulen". You can choose Biology as a so-called core subject for the teaching subject "Sachkunde".
Please find more information here:
Description of the course of study with the goal of teaching at elementary schools (German)
Teaching at secondary schools (Lehramt an Haupt- und Realschulen)
For the teaching profession at secondary schools ("Haupt- und Realschulen), you will first study the 6-semester Bachelor's program "Bildung, Erziehung und Unterricht" and then the 4-semester Master's program "Lehramt an Haupt- und Realschulen". You can choose "Biology" as a teaching subject.
Please find more information here:
Description of the general course of study with the goal of teaching at secondary schools (German)
Description of the course of study with "Biology" as a teaching subject (German)
Teaching at vocational schools (Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen)
For the teaching profession at vocational schools ("berufsbildende Schulen"), you will first study the 6-semester Bachelor's program "Berufliche Bildung" and then the 4-semester Master's program "Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen". You can choose "Biology" as a general education subject in combination with the vocational subjects "Health Sciences" (Gesundheitswissenschaften), "Cosmetology" (Kosmetologie) and "Nursing Science" (Pflegewissenschaft).
Please find more information here:
Description of the general course of study with the goal of teaching at vocational schools (German)
Description of the course of study with "Biology" as a teaching subject (German)
Teaching at grammar schools (Lehramt an Gymnasien)
For the teaching profession at grammar schools ("Gymnasien"), you will first study the Dual Major Bachelor's program, which is designed for 6 semesters, and then the 4-semester Master's program "Lehramt an Haupt- und Realschulen". You can study biology on an equal footing with another subject as a core subject ("Kernfach") or as a major or minor subject ("Hauptfach"/"Nebenfach"), whereby in the latter case the study proportions in the Master's program are reversed in comparison to the Bachelor's program.
Please find more information here:
Description of the general course of study with the goal of teaching at grammar schools (German)
Description of the course of study with "Biology" as a teaching subject (German)
Dual Major Bachelor's program
The Dual Major Bachelor's program (2-Fächer-Bachelor) is polyvalent: it can be combined with the teaching-oriented Master's program "Lehramt an Gymnasien" as well as with a research-oriented Master's program - or you can enter professional life directly. Depending on your goal, you choose your profile in the so-called professionalization area.
Please find more information here:
General description of the Dual Major Bachelor's program (German)
Description of the study program "Biologie - 2-Fächer-Bachelor" (German)
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Student advisory service Biology
Study Counseling Service Osnabrück